Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Shower Thoughts--Part Two

I did a post awhile back called 'shower thoughts' and I thought it'd be fun to do it again. These are some random things that go through my mind not just in the shower but whenever. But we'll just call them shower thoughts.

Did you ever stop to think that taking a bath is disgusting? You're sitting in a warm pool of your own dirt and grime. Why do people like that? Why is it relaxing? It's really just gross.

I often wonder why people smoke tobacco and marijuana. Who the hell decided these were smokable, and also why would they ever try it at all? How many things did they light on fire and inhale before someone said, "you know, this is good." It's SO weird. Someone had to smoke a lot of lame stuff before they found out pot makes you high and nicotine is just plain addictive and nice to smoke. I wanna know what else they tried and why??

I wonder why people drink cows milk. Milk by nature is nourishment for babies. That's it. Adult cows don't drink milk from their mothers. Just like adult humans do not drink milk from their mothers. So why do we drink this?? And why do we drink another species milk? It's honestly kind of gross to think of, because you wouldn't drink some chicks breast milk on your Fruity Pebbles, but we'll squeeze a cow tit and pour that all over our cereal.

Does anyone really ever pay attention to serving sizes on packages of chips or crackers, etc? They say to eat like five chips and be done. Who does that? It's more like 50 chips and then the bag is empty. Why not just tell us how many calories are in the whole bag? I don't want to do math and count chips. That's too stressful. Just give me the low down. I know it's more than I'd ever want to know, but tell me anyway.

Why do people tell you not to go out in cold weather because you'll get sick? This is a lie. Weather doesn't make you sick. Germs do. And germs breed in heat. So basically you're safer outside in the snow in a bikini than you are inside a hot house with people coughing up germs everywhere like in an incubator. Cold weather does not make you sick. Unless you catch hypothermia...but we're talking about colds and flu. You can't catch that from being outside in the cold. Deal with it. You're gonna get sick anyway no matter what you do. Wash your hands instead.

Lots and lots of mushrooms are deadly to eat. So who ever kept eating them until they found some that didn't kill you? Like way back when, who the hell would keep eating these things when everyone kept dying from them. What made them think any of them were safe to eat? I know that nowadays people have books and shit to tell you which ones are okay, but back in the dark ages, who wanted to eat a fucking mushroom so bad they risked death?

Why is water in the ocean appear blue when water is actually clear? A glass of water is clear, but an ocean of water is blue. Why is it blue??

And that is all for today. I'm sure I've had many other thoughts, but that's just a few. Hope I made you think!

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