Monday, July 11, 2016

Working for a man who doesn't know my name, who makes me wear a uniform so everybody looks the same....

As most of you know, I work in a convenience store gas station. It's a real glamorous life, let me tell you. But I got some comfort knowing that on Supernatural Castiel worked at a Gas-n-Sip when he was human. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me, right? But let me tell you some tales about what it's like to work there. I've done this before, but there's always something new. Like for instance I HATE the Slurpee machine. It makes a huge mess and no one ever does it right. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

This picture is a true story. Slurpee everywhere! And who has to clean it up? Moi. When I see customers going for the machine I want to kill them, or hold their hand through the process so that the picture on the right doesn't become a reality. But more often than not, this ---> is my life. You wouldn't think you'd need a degree in Slurpee making to pour one of these drinks, but trust me, you do. They shouldn't be left to wayward customers to handle.

Then you get the people who hand you money in wads they pulled out of their asses it seems. It's usually damp or wet with butt sweat and it's disgusting. And they expect me to count it out for them and half the time they walk out of the store before I'm even done. They're like, "I want this on pump 7" and run out the door. And then they get mad when the pump isn't set in three seconds. They need a good slap to the head. Please don't store your money in wads in your ass. We don't want that money, okay? Same goes for shoving it in your bra. I don't need to feel your boob sweat on my hands, thank you very much.

This happened to a co-worker of mine, but we also don't want your old shoes either. So please don't hand them to us and say we can have them. WTF are we going to do with your old skanky shoe? This shouldn't even be in the customer rule book, it should just be common sense. But apparently my work is a common sense free zone. He was new on the job and thought we were pranking him when some old woman gave him her shoes to keep. Sadly it wasn't a prank, though it would have been a funny one!

Also don't be a creeper and take pictures of us while we're working. Or worse yet, take a selfie with us without our permission just because you're a creeper and wish you were going out with us. We don't like it. We aren't monkey's at the zoo. We're doing a job and don't appreciate you whipping out your camera phone and taking a selfie with us, while saying how hot we are. Eww. Go away. This actually happened to one of my co-workers. Luckily it didn't happen to me. But now I'm the only one who will wait on him, because everyone else hides from the creeper. Guess I'm not his type. But he does call me baby which isn't cute. He actually asked my co-worker if she wanted to be naughty. *barfs* So yeah, please keep your weirdness a secret from us. We don't want it near us.

So that's a glimpse of my work life. And the saying is true, there is a Supernatural gif for everything.

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